Task #1: The World's Muslim Population
1) What is highest estimate for the total number of Muslims that live in the world today?
2.1 Billion
2) List 10 countries who have a Muslim population of 86% or greater.
3) What country has the largest Muslim population?
4) How many Muslims are there in the United States?
Task #2: Key Beliefs of Islam
Summarize each of the key beliefs below in a COMPLETE sentence.
1) Muslims believe in one and only one God who is the creator.
2) God has angels that live in harmony with him.
3) The Bible and Qur'an are divine scriptures God bestowed on people such as Muhammad.
4) Muslims believe in prophets, the last on being Muhammad whose word is the ultimatum of God's message.
5) There will be a day of judgement determining one's afterlife destination.
6) God's will is supreme and predestined.
TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD Go to the following website and put 3 of Muhammad’s sayings in your own words.
1) Those who believe in God and the Day of Judgement should be just with their neighbor.
2) Pay a man for his work before his has finished.
3) Until you love your neighbor as yourself, you do not believe completely.
Task #3: The Qur'an
1) What does the Quran provide?
Guidance, direction, and a means of salvation.
2) In what language(s) does the Quran exist? Why?
Only in Arabic, if it is not in Arabic then it is not valid because the Quran was bestowed on Muhammad in Arabic.
3) During which month was the Quran sent down from Heaven?
The ninth month, the month of Ramadan.
4) What did the angel Gabriel command Muhammad to do? What happened next?
To read, but when Muhammad told Gabriel he could not read, Gabriel began to teach Muhammad the verses that would become the Quran.
Task #4: Five Pillars of Faith
1) List and explain the 5 Pillars of Faith.
-Shahada (testimony of faith): the most important pillar that converts to Islam must state with conviction.
-Salat (prayer): Muslims pray five times a day facing Mecca (or to the East).
-Zakat (almsgiving): a requirement of faith like tithing in the Church in which Muslims give to charity.
-Siyam (fasting): ritual fasting during the month of Ramadan.
-Hajj (pilgrimage): pilgrimage to Mecca at the end of the Islamic calendar.
2) Why are they important?
They strengthen faith and service to Allah and they can be performed anywhere by anyone.
3) Why is cheating on the 5 Pillars impossible?
Because it is a matter between Allah and the Muslim, God cannot be fooled and it would be useless to cheat.
4) Compare the 5 Pillars with similar activities in other religions.
Christians practice fasting, almsgiving, prayer, and testimony of faith. The five pillars are similar to a set of guidelines such as the 613 laws in Judaism and Ten Commandments.
Task #5: Ramadan
1) What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar during which Muslims fast.
2) What restraints are placed on Muslims during Ramadan?
Muslims cannot eat or drink during the daylight hours. Smoking and sexual relations are also forbidden during fasting.
3) What can destroy the good acquired during Ramadan?
telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind his back, a false oath and greed or covetousness.
4) Why is the 27th day of Ramadan significant?
Muslims celebrate the Laylat-al-Qadr (the Night of Power). This was the night Muhammad first received the revelation of the Holy Qur'an.
5) What happens when Ramadan ends?
There is a three day celebration called Id-al-Fitr (Feast of Fast Breaking). Families and friends pray and feast.
6) What are the 3 reasons Ramadan is important?
-The Qur'an was revealed during this month
-Gates of Heaven are open
-Gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up in Hell
7) Why is easier to do good during Ramadan?
The devils are chained up in Hell thus less likely to interfere with reverence and doing good.
Task #6: Fun Facts
List 5 interest facts you learned from the websites above.
1) Charity, Knowledge, and Prayer helps someone in the afterlife after they are deceased.
2) Islamic art is not exclusively religious but includes other aspects of Muslim culture.
3) Muslims systematically give 2.5% a year of their wealth to help the poor.
4) Muslims accept the Bible but view it as corrupted and translated inaccurately.
5) Islam has only few holidays in comparison to other religions.
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