Sunday, December 16, 2012

A long, long list of vocabulary (1)

Introductory Unit


Heart- “It is a muscle, but it is a strange muscle because it is a hollow muscle that contains in itself something other than its fivers, and also because unlike other muscles it isn’t directly dependent on my will and decision…Thus, the heart is the sign that our being is received, but also that our being is offered. It is the sign that I have not given myself life, but also that I need to offer it if I don’t want simply to lose it, because all the blood that flows must be shed” (Fabrice Hadjadj, “What is the Heart”).


X and Arrows-

The horizontal line is human history and the arrows are the various arrows attempting to reach the X or the unknown. Christians claim the unknown is God and that He has entered the world through his son, Jesus Christ. (“3. The Christian Claim: The Unknown Has Entered the World”)


Desire- unlimited dependence on things we want to become happy. There are four main desires, desires of Love, Justice, Beauty, and Truth.


Reality- The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them: "he refuses to face reality". (Google)


Four Truths of the “I”-

1.      I didn’t make myself

2.      I have unlimited desires

3.      My abilities are limited

4.      Everything I do is to attain happiness


Religious Sense- the nature of reason expresses itself in the ultimate need for truth, goodness, and beauty. These needs constitute the fabric of the religious sense, which is evident in every human being everywhere and in all times. So strong is this sense that it leads one to desire that the answer to life's mystery might reveal itself in some way. (Google) Luigi Giussani wrote a book about the religious sense, the desire or looking for the answer to life.

Ontology- from the word roots, ‘ontos’-“being”, existence and ‘logos’-word, “reason”;meaning. Ontology is the study of being or existence.

 Being- being is existence which is structured by the four truths of “I”.

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