Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blog Post 26 - 99 Names of God

The Sustainer – Masculine
            “The Sustainer” has a masculine connotation towards it because of the typical male roles in society. Men work in order to care for or sustain the family’s well-being. In the same way this title is attributed to men it can also be attributed to God. God is the sustainer of the giant human species family. He sustains the universe in order to fulfill his divine plan and have humans recognize him.
The Protector – Masculine
            “The Protector” can be a title for God because of its meaning. A protector can be of any relation to man or woman; he or she protects from evils and harm out of love. God assumes this role according to most monotheistic religions. Good and evil have been defined because of the existence of good and evil and therefore God protects humans from evil.
The Responder – Feminine
            Women often show greater signs of empathy and emotion towards any heart-striking event. When taking care of children, the mother responds to her child’s cry and then comforts it. God does the same for his children, he responds to prayers and worship so that he might help his children through life. God listens and responds like a mother and her child.
The Restorer – Feminine
            Females often take care of the sick such as sick children, husband, or parents. They play the role of a restorer to nourish and rejuvenate the sick. God is a restorer in the same way, restoring the mental, physical, and spiritual sick. He works to restore all people and make them understand his goodness and care. God restores the earth so that humans might come to know him and follow him.
Sustainer, Protector, Responder, and Restorer
            The same God heralds all of these attributes. It is one God that protects against evil, responds if evil strikes, restores from the striking evil, and sustains the restored person. God takes on both masculine and feminine roles because He is the ultimate sustainer, protector, responder, and restorer. He does everything for people because he loves them and wants them to know him and have faith in his mission. God is caring and therefore does all of these things for people and embodies all the attributes or ninety-nine names Muslims give him. 

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