Sunday, February 10, 2013

Introduction to Buddhism

Siddartha Gautama: Siddartha was born in the 6th century B.C.E. He was a rich prince in Northern India who practiced Hinduism. His father tried to shelter him from all the suffering in the world therefore Siddartha never ventured outside the palace. However, he did one day and saw old age, sickness, poverty, and death. After this he renounced his wealth and became an aesthetic. As he was meditating under a tree one day he came to realize the 
Four Noble Truths:
1. Life is filled with suffering
2. Suffering is caused by desire
3. Suffering can be ended if we cease desiring
4. Desires can be ended by following the 
Eightfold Path:
1. Right Understanding or Perfect Vision
2. Right Resolve or Perfect Emotion
3. Right Speech or Perfect Speech
4. Right Action or Perfect Action
5. Right Livelihood or Perfect Livelihood
6. Right Effort or Perfect Effort
7. Right Mindfulness or Perfect Awareness
​8. Right Meditation or Perfect Samadhi

--the eightfold path makes more specific the 
Threefold Way: ethicsmeditation, and wisdom
-ethics provides a basis for meditation, and meditation is the ground on which wisdom can develop
--The ideals at the heart of Buddhism are collectively known as the 
Three Jewels:
1. Buddha: yellow jewel
2. Dharma: blue jewel
3. Sangha: red jewel

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